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RN-BSN Nursing banner 9mage

Trinidad Campus & Valley Campus
The RN to BSN program at Trinidad State will educate students about the nursing role relating to a Baccalaureate nursing graduate which include: member of the profession; provider of Patient-Centered Care; Patient Safety Advocacy; and member of the health care team.

CCNE logoThe baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Trinidad State College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (

Trinidad State offers an online RN-BSN program. Students in this program will be assigned a nursing coach to help stay on track in the program. The Leadership course has 22.5 hours of practicum and the community health has 45 hours of practicum. All practicum can be completed in the area the student lives!

  • Personal nursing coach to guide you through the program
  • Ability to complete the practicum where you live
  • Affordable
  • Various BSN Electives
  • Out-of-State tuition same as In-state for the NUR 300 and 400 courses

The mission of the nursing program is to embrace diversity and provide a quality, accessible, enriching educational experience that allows the student to continue lifelong learning utilizing evidence-based practice in the profession of nursing.

The nursing faculty endorses the philosophy, vision, and mission statement of the college and in addition, subscribes to the following beliefs about people and health, nursing, and nursing process, education, and educators, and the teaching/learning process in nursing:

Self-Directed Learning
The Philosophy of the Nursing Program states the belief that the teaching and learning of nursing is both an individual and community enterprise. The teaching-learning process requires an individual to be self-directive and an active participant. A self-directed learner may be defined as a person who identifies their own learning goals, plans their own learning experiences and evaluates their own progress toward achievement of their goals. The Nursing Program faculty members act as consultants, resource or reference persons, and teachers or students. This philosophy allows the student some freedom and flexibility in the teaching-learning process and assists the student in reaching their highest potential. It benefits a student in preparing or a role in nursing for future years regardless of what that role may be.

TS’s RN-BSN is designed for students who have graduated from an associate degree or diploma nursing program and wish to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Students must have a current United States unencumbered RN License prior to enrollment of NUR 409. In addition, admission decisions about students with public discipline will be decided by a faculty committee prior to the enrollment of the BSN program and BSN clinical courses. Acceptance will be on a case by case bases. Students may begin RN-BSN courses in Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters if there is sufficient enrollment. Students can choose between full-time or part-time completion options (the first cohort will have to be in the program for 1.5 years to allow for the full accreditation cycle to be completed).

For admission into the program, please do the following:

  1. Apply to Trinidad State at: (no cost)
        a. A checklist will be emailed to the student immediately with directions to:
            i. Send verification of Associate or Diploma degree from a regional accredited school.
            ii. Send verification of a United States unencumbered RN license.
            iii. Out-of-state students should be aware of restrictions that may exist for TS to provide education to them. In addition, TS must be authorized by the State Board of Nursing in the student’s state of residence in order to provide instruction. Out-of-state students should also familiarize themselves with TS’s tuition rate for their residency. For more information please contact us, visit, and contact your State Board of Nursing.
            iv. Depending on the practicum sites that the student attends, proof of up to date immunizations, a more recent background check, and/or drug screen might be required.
            v. Additional information:
                1. Up to 89.5 credits will be transferred in towards the BSN. Transfer credits must be equivalent to courses within the TS BSN Plan of Study.
                2. A transfer grade has to be a “C” or higher to transfer into TS.
                3. Students may complete the Non-nursing courses while in the BSN program. Statistics must be completed prior to the NUR 303 course. Non-nursing courses include courses outside of the NUR prefix such as general studies and electives. These non-nursing courses can be completed at a regionally accredited institution concurrently and transferred into TS.
                4. At least 30.5 credits of the BSN must be earned at TS.

Trinidad State’s RN-BSN is designed for students who have graduated from an associate degree or diploma nursing program and wish to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Students must have a current unencumbered RN License without public discipline prior to enrollment. Students may begin RN-BSN courses in Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters if there is sufficient enrollment. Students can choose between full-time or part-time completion options (the first cohort will have to be in the program for 1.5 years to allow for the full accreditation cycle to be completed).

For admission into the program, please do the following:

  1. Apply to Trinidad State at APPLY NOW (no cost)
  2. Apply to TS BSN Program (no cost)
        a. A checklist will be emailed to the student immediately with directions
            i. Applicants to the TS BSN program must have successfully completed their first semester of their Associate or Diploma Nursing program.
            ii. The applicant must be a United States licensed registered nurse in good standing with the Board of Nursing prior to registering for NUR 409, 410 and/or NUR 411.
            iii. Depending on the practicum sites that the student attends, proof of up to date immunizations, a more recent background check, and/or drug screen might be required.
            iv. Out-of-state students should be aware of restrictions that may exist for TS to provide education to them. In addition, TS must be authorized by the State Board of Nursing in the student’s state of residence in order to provide instruction. Out-of-state students should also familiarize themselves with TS’s tuition rate for their residency. For more information please contact us, visit, and contact your State Board of Nursing.
            v. Additional information:
                1. Up to 89.5 credits will be transferred in towards the BSN. Transfer credits must be equivalent to courses within the TS BSN Plan of Study.
                2. A transfer grade has to be a “C” or higher to transfer into TS.
                3. Students may complete the Non-nursing courses while in the BSN program. Statistics must be completed prior to the NUR 303 course. Non-nursing courses include courses outside of the NUR prefix such as general studies and electives. These non-nursing courses can be completed at a regionally accredited institution concurrently and transferred into TS.
                4. At least 30.5 credits of the BSN must be earned at TS.

The RN to BSN program at Trinidad State will educate students about the nursing role relating to a Baccalaureate nursing graduate which include: member of the profession; provider of Patient-Centered Care; Patient Safety Advocacy; and member of the health care team. The students will demonstrate responsibility for continued competence. They will promote the practice of professional nursing through leadership activities and advocacy. The students will provide safe and compassionate care, plans of care, and teaching plans to families, populations, and communities through many health care services. The students will use a systematic problem-solving process in the care of their patients and families based on the liberal arts, science, and evidence-based practice outcomes and research studies.

The five program student learning outcomes are:
  1. Quality care
    Apply research to promote best practice and use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes while using improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems and deliver quality care to individuals, and diverse populations.
  2. Professionalism
    Demonstrate an enhanced commitment to professionalism that embraces excellence, caring, legal and ethical practice, civility, and accountability.
  3. Communication
    Model effective communication and collaboration with colleagues/interdisciplinary groups and members of the community to promote health, safety and well-being.
  4. Leadership
    Apply principles of leadership, and knowledge of quality improvement and organizational systems in designing, managing and coordinating safe, quality, and cost-effective patient-centered care.
  5. Critical thinking/Practicum reasoning
    Utilize a systematic process of critical inquiry using nursing, natural and behavioral sciences, humanities and arts to make evidence-based practice decisions that improve the nursing care of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

ENG 121 English Composition 3  
ENG 122 English Composition II 3  
PSY 235 Growth & Development 3  
BIO 201 Anatomy & Physiology I 4  
BIO 202 Anatomy & Physiology II 4  
HWE 100 Nutrition 3  
BIO 216 Pathophysiology 4  
SOC 101 General Sociology 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4
GT-SS1, 2 or 3 (3 credits)
PSY 101 General Psychology 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4
GT-SS1, 2 or 3 (3 credits)
MAT 135 Statistics 3  
HIS 101 Western Civ: Antiquity 3 HI-1
ART 110 Art Appreciation 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4 (3 credits)
  Electives (higher sciences preferred) 8 However, can be GT or CTE classes.
  Total of General Education Courses 47  
NUR 109 Fundamentals of Nursing 6  
NUR 112 Basic Pharmacology 2  
NUR 106 Medical/Surgical Nursing Concepts 7  
NUR 150 Care of Obstetric & Pediatric Clients 6  
NUR 206 Adv. Concepts of Surgical Nursing I 6.5  
NUR 212 Pharmacology II 2  
NUR 211 Nursing Care of Psychiatric Clients 4  
NUR 216 Adv. Concepts of Surgical Nursing II 5  
NUR 230 Leadership, Management & Trends 4 42.5 credits from Associate of Nursing
750 practicum hours included.
NUR 301 Integration to BSN 3  
NUR 302 Trends in Nursing Practice 3  
NUR 303 Research/Evidence Based Practice 3  
NUR 304 Informatics 3 304-307 Must pick 2**
NUR 305 Emergency Preparedness 3 **
NUR 306 Gerontology   3**
NUR 307 Behavioral   3**
NUR 408 Legal/ethical 3  
NUR 409 Leadership in Nursing Practice 3.5 22.5 hour practicum/practicum included.
NUR 410 Community Health 6 45 hour practicum/practicum included
NUR 411 Seminar 3  
Total   120  

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